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Our A3 Wealth Management Process

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Assess: The foundation of our process is the initial and on-going assessment of your personal and financial situation.


Assemble: Using the information from the assessment, we develop several customized strategies to help you achieve your goals & objectives. Once we present your options, as a team, we decide which strategy is the best for you and then begin the implementation process.


Adapt: Life changes and so will your plan. We meet at regularly scheduled intervals to review your current situation and make the necessary adjustments to your financial plan and investment strategy.

Our Investment Philosophy 

Some people like playing cowboy and investing every dollar in high risk, high reward investments. That is not us. We would rather build wealth simply and sustainably. As a result, we position your wealth in a broad portfolio that will help you weather current and future financial climates. We believe in efficient, yet simple, investment portfolios for our clients.

Since every portfolio is managed in house, we have developed strategic partnerships with an exclusive group of investment managers that specialize in asset allocation, portfolio construction, and investment selection. These partnerships allow us to focus on your goals and individual preferences.

Call or Email Us Today at
406.207.5610 |
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